All About Me

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Sudahlah. (DITM part 3)

Assalamualaikum and a very good day.

Bajet2 je nak post lagi pasal cerita 1st year tapi nantilah eh kita buat throwback DITM so now nak sambung ke cerita 2nd year.

Next week gonna be my 6 week as a second year medical student. Huh susah tapi senang masih itu aku pegang.

Mungkin pada hari ini kita rasa semua perkara susah tapi pada masa hadapan kita akan melihat sebenarnya senang je benda2 ni. contoh terbaik adalah ketika baru belajar berjalan kecik2 dulu kan susah gak tapi pada hari ni Alhamdulillah bukan hanya berjalan berlari melompat semua kita buat.

Last weekend, aku habiskan satu buku yang kecil, ya just a small one sesiapa yang selalu baca novel tu rasanya dalam masa 1 jam pun boleh habis baca buku ni.

Tajuk buku tu. DIAgnosis. Ramai yang tahu pasal buku ni. Lagi2 medical students. Best gak ah membuka mata aku dan aku cadangkan korang baca buku ni.

Sekarang aku tengah baca buku Cerita Cinta Ahmad Ammar memang aku lambat sikit nak habiskan buku ni, slow reader. haha. Tapi best gak ah. Open my eyes.

One of the best quote ever dalam buku ni:-

"Dunia biarlah aku berpenat, Akhirat tempat aku berehat"

Aku selalu bermonolog sendirian bila aku baca buku ni. Contohnya:

"Umur kita sama namun aku tidak mampu menjadi seperti engkau Ahmad Ammar yang banyak membuka mata masyarakat Malaysia dan juga antarabangsa"

"Membuka hati ini kepada banyak benda baharu. InsyaAllah pintu Taubat sentiasa terbuka"

Owh lupa nak cakap that I'll be having the haematology block mid course next week. I think susah kot. banyak yang nak kena baca dan banyak jugak yang nak kena pahamkan. Haematology please be nice to me and to all my fellow friends.

Oklah tu je kut for now.
Till I write again. haha

Tarmimi Azanie bin Tabarani

Monday, June 23, 2014

A 503A (DITM part 2)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and a happy day.

Ok jom sambung citer lepas.
Citer apa?
Ni link dia

Then right after raya. around the 5th day of raya I went to CUCMS for the enrolment as a Medical student. Kind of afraid. And am I making the right decision keep playing in my mind.

We arrived early for the registration so we just go and eat our breakfast first then I go and register.
The registration went smooth.
Nothing much as not many students like in UIA.
Then aku pun dapat the kunci for the house an it is A 503A bilik no. 2.
Ok aku tak kenal sesiapa kat sini.
Takut canggung (awkward) semua ada.

Then after the welcoming speech by the vice president and bla bla bla....
We were asked to go to VL (varsity lodge) to check in
Then I go and open the door of A503A and the first person I see was.........

Ok to be continued
Bajet2 suspens. hahahahhahha.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Doctor in The Making Part 1

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and a happy day.

Huh. Baru habis 1st year dah bajet2 nak habis 5th year but still. Haha

Ok for many of you maybe korang ingat aku kat IIUM / UIA but rezeki kami tak panjang since aku dapat offer in CUCMS.

What is CUCMS?
Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences. Ya. I know it is swasta and not like IIUM which is IPTA but I did my decision. And Alhamdulillah MARA did give me a loan at least it helps me a lot especially the tuition fees.

For more info you can go to  which is directly to my Faculty of Medicine.

Because CUCMS offer my long-lost-ambition in which I thought it is impossible. Tapi Allah tu Maha berkuasa kan. CUCMS offered me Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery a.k.a. MBBS. Takutnya at first tapi Alhamdulillah.

Nantilah sambung penatlak menaip. HAHAHA

Tarmimi Azanie Tabarani